Friday 18 November 2011

Are you looking to explore a new career path?

Are you looking to explore a new career path?

With the national unemployment rate at 9.1 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Labor's August statistics, you might think it's impossible to find a job in this tough economy.But there are positive steps you can take to help make yourself - and your resume - more attractive to
  Know what you want in a career
From advancing your education to interview and resume advice, consider these Be clear about what you want in your professional life."Focus on the skills you wish to use; issues or topics you will address; people you will engage as colleagues and as customers or clients; and what environmental factors you need to remain energized," says Steve Langerud, a workplace consultant who has worked with over 15,000 people on career and "The key to finding work in this tough economy comes down to who you know, and more importantly who knows you," says Amanda Guralski, president of bizMe Consulting, a career coaching firm that guides young professionals learning the ropes. "The jobs are out there, but you have to be willing to put in the work to find them.
When preparing to relaunch your career, Guralski encourages applicants to get out there and take a chance to make things happen.
And don't think it's all about going to events and dinners, social networking sites like LinkedIn can also help you stay connected as well.
Go back to school and earn a degree 
 Alexandra Kralicek, recruiting operations supervisor at Swedish Medical Center, says that advanced degrees and industry-specific certifications could go a long way in differentiating yourself from other applicantsworkplace issues.six tips when preparing to relaunch your career...

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