Saturday 19 November 2011

Arrested protester is face of Occupy

Arrested protester is face of Occupy
Arrested protester is face of Occupy:Since the vacate partition road association began, protesters, carrying weapons with their deliberately indistinct strain, have lacked a important instant or iconic picture to assist push media reporting. This week, they got equally.First, police clashed with protesters throughout Tuesday's near the start morning attack on Zuccotti Park, and under arrest more than a few the media. Then on Thursday, the live in group got its face-albeit a bleeding one.throughout a expression in inferior Manhattan, 20-year-old Brandon Watts of Philadelphia grabbed a police officer's hat and was then tackled and under arrest, behind a wound to his brow. Watts' bloody face appeared on the wrap of the  the New York Times featured an A1 photo of the protests above the fold, but no blood.

 Arrested protester is face of Occupy

Before grabbing the hat, Watts supposedly threw an AAA battery at officers who had set up a blockade. According to the  he was charged with physical attack and impressive theft after in receipt of checkup action at Bellevue Hospital.According to the , it was Watts' fourth take into custody since the protests began in September.
 Arrested protester is face of Occupy

Thursday also saying additional law enforcement clashes with press. Michelle Fields and Direna Cousins, a pair reporters from the Daily visitor maintain they were attacked by the The traditional book has been dangerous of live in partition road, but protesters allegedly came the help of Fields and Cousins.
following Fields was knocked to the earth, more than a a small number of live in partition Streeters "came up to me correct absent and asked if I needed any medical assistance," she wrote. "They were actually very kind and helpful. It was the police officers who were very aggressive."

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