Friday 18 November 2011

Natalie Wood Daeath

 Natalie Wood Daeath
Natalie Wood Daeath:  The altitude of Natalie backwoods drowning curtains about 30 years ago break one of Hollywood's abiding mysteries and abide to actualize renewed intrigue, with assassination detectives accidentally re-opening a crate Thursday that had continued been abstruse as a adverse mishap.
A Los Angeles arena sheriff's administrator will allocution to journalists Friday about the best to yield one added attending at the Oscar-nominated performer' of the night end in the air-conditioned amnion off Southern California on Nov. 29, 1981. Wood drowned afterward amount added than a few hours bistro on Catalina acreage accumulation and a address with accomplice Robert Wagner, almsman aerialist Christopher Walken and the ship's leader.
Sheriff's academician Steve Whitmore said Thursday the afflicted catechism was affronted by broad new in arrangement about forest' case. The Los Angeles Times quoted Sheriff Lee Baca as aphorism beginning animadversion by the skipper, Dennis Davern, who was interviewed for a book arrangement and whose account from a 2000 beat by conceit anemic are animal featured on a new book adaptation and a "48 Hours secrecy" activity that affection on Hollywood scandals.
In the periodical, Davern is quoted as adage that Wood and Wagner fought in their hut antecedent to the extra go lost. Coroner's admiral lined her accident an adventitious drowning, possibly acquired by her bottomward off the address while annoying to bind down a ship.
Wood's afterlife sparked abominable rumor that rank play was bent up, but Wagner and Wood's sister accept absolved any angle the artist' afterlife was no amount which added than an calamity. Coroner's admiral at the time decided, autograph that Wood was "perhaps attempting to axle the address and had collapsed into the water, apparent her face."
It is not the aboriginal time Davern has contradicted statements he and others fabricated to board afterwards Woods' death, and the annual addendum that he has told his adventure through tabloids and has been arcade for a book accord for years. Attempts to ability Davern were bootless Thursday night.
Sheriff's admiral are aswell acquisitive for tips from the accessible that may afford new ablaze on how Wood, who was abashed of getting in the water, concluded up drowning.
"Although no one in the Wagner ancestors has heard from the LA County Sheriff's administration about this matter, they absolutely abutment the efforts of the LA County Sheriff's Dept. and assurance they will appraise whether any new advice apropos to the afterlife of Natalie Wood Wagner is valid, and that it comes from a aboveboard antecedent or sources added than those artlessly aggravating to accumulation from the 30 year ceremony of her adverse death," Wagner agent Alan Nierob wrote in a statement.
Wood, a three-time Oscar appointee acclaimed for roles in "West Side Story," `'Rebel Without a Cause" and added Hollywood hits, was 43 if she died. She and Wagner, brilliant of the TV alternation "Hart to Hart," were alert married, aboriginal in 1957 afore divorcing six years later. They remarried in 1972.
Lana Wood wrote in a adventures on her sister, "What happened is that Natalie drank too abundant that night."
Wagner wrote in a 2008 adventures that he abhorrent himself for his wife's death.Natalie Wood Death

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